Friday 16 May 2014


I fear for Mum's sanity as she fears for mine.

She sent me to spend a few days with my grandfather in Yorkshire - in Harrogate, to be precise - as she feels the stress of exams is becoming too much for me.

I honestly don't mind, because the weather has been splendid and there is so much lovely green around here, I hear birds twitter when I wake up (truly!) and I must say it *is* rather nice to not have to do anything for a few days.

Grandfather took me on a trip to Castle Howard yesterday as I'd realised it could suddenly easily be done in a day trip and because it is very relevant to Art History I'm sure (my liking of Brideshead Revisited truly was no factor whatsoever!).

Actually, I do feel calmer now I've spent some days away from all the bustle of finishing Uni, taking in some sun and culture - Here Comes the Sun - so I suppose Mum was right in sending me away. I feel completely ready to carry on into the Second Act of the play of finishing Uni and starting life. I'll be back South on Sunday. With that in mind, and given my changes in rhythm and all that, with new things to do, new routines, I'm considering changing the day on which I post things.

Given my future schedule, it would make much more sense to post on Tuesdays rather than Fridays, so that's what I'll be doing, starting coming Tuesday.

Now, go out and enjoy the ephemeral British sunshine!

Oh, and here's some pics from my trip:

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