Friday 2 May 2014


I'm going to have to keep it short this time, what with the term drawing to an end and having to write papers.


I'm absolutely exhausted.

Also I talked over my grand tour idea with Mum and Dad, and surprisingly they don't seem altogether pleased about it. I don't understand - one would suppose it would be a crowning celebration of me getting my degree, right? They say it's time I found some way to support myself, or find someone to support me. Now, that's just cruel.

As though Ernest weren't there.

I still haven't found what I was looking for with my degree. What's it all for, anyway? I mean, I'll just marry Ernest and we'll live happily ever after and that's it.

Dad says I could try and find a job, but what job would I get with Art History? I mean, the Duke of Cambridge did Art History (or started out as such or somewhat or other) so why is it so hard to find a suitable job? Certainly it shouldn't be this difficult to find something to do next year.

Although I don't really understand why Dad is telling me to do this. I think it's really rather mean of him to tell me to go do something I don't like. I mean, just any sort of job, I'm not cut out for that. It's not my thing.

Jack says I should apply for grad schemes but really, it's far too late to start doing that now and besides, I don't want to. They're never any fun, I'm sure of that.

Ah, what to do, what to do...

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