Tuesday 3 June 2014


I think I've finally recovered from my birthday – it was such good fun!

I got loads of prezzies of course, plus I went out with some of my friends who managed to stick around after exams.

Mum and Dad've given me a new car, which is sort of nice especially since my other one is looking a bit iffy ever since some ignorant person in the parking at Waitrose bumped into it. Dad's a fan of German cars so it's an Audi, A6 or something like that. More importantly, however, is that it's blue. I like blue. Blue is such a lovely colour. I like the blue of a cloudless summer day and the blue that the sky is just before dawn. It's dark blue, so more like the night than the day. But in any case it's blue – mustn't be ungrateful, a blue car is lovely :)

Prism actually also remembered (she'd forgotten Jack's birthday) and had made me a little cake which was lovely but a bit cheap but I suppose the thought was sweet.

Jack gave me a folder to stick degrees and certificates in. Which is nice, I suppose, but what the heck do I do with that, Jack?! I'm not some lame boring office type person. Besides, Dad keeps all my important papers in a safe deposit box in the bank, or with his accountant or solicitor or something. Jack said it's good for when I go to interviews. But birthdays aren't for practical gifts, are they?! Giving people practical birthday gifts is like given them socks. Or money, like some sort of pauper.

But all right, fine.

My friends had got together a trip to Prague for me, which is nice. I've never been to Prague, but I'll be going in a few weeks then, so, yeah. Ernest will be joining of course. Expect pics. I hear Prague is nice.

So, that was quite a nice birthday I must say :)

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