Tuesday 14 October 2014

Go. Away.

If only Gwen would cease tormenting me.

I'm sure she's of perfectly moral character, but even people of the noblest possible moral character are susceptible to the influence of the physical charms of others, and I dare not have her around when Ernest is around.

She talks far too much about him already.

I should call a spade a spade, as I have never been afraid to do, and say that Gwendolen is of the worst, commonest character in any person I have ever had the misfortune of having to spend an extended period with.

Like relations, she seems to not have even the smallest inkling of when to simply die - or at least just go away.

She is older than me and thus old enough to know better, but it seems she knows nothing at all - which would be a virtue, if it not also meant that she has no sense of public decency. I am outraged at the extent with which she attempts to keep Ernest from my side. I am thoroughly of the opinion that women should know everything, at the very least to compensate for the fact that men know nothing (but like to pretend that they know all).

And she talks so much! Such a terrible habit. I don't want to be talking about her. I want to be talking about me.

Oh well. It'll be all right. I hope.

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