Tuesday, 27 January 2015

Poor Ms Prism

How is it that Prism and Chasuble still have not hooked up?

Or, given their respective and respectable ages (I presume), not found themselves in each other's arms?

They clearly are very fond of each other, and I have done everything in my power to make them see the light, yet they are not at that point yet.

I'm disappointed.

True, Chasuble seems rather clueless, perhaps too keen on his profession and spending his time professionally, unable to see what's right in front of him.

Perhaps unable to believe that Prism might care for him?

In any case, he is far too easily flustered, and has far too little confidence in himself. I presume that for those so inclined, he makes rather a charming older man-type love interest. And he's certainly in the right age range for Prism.

Prism, too, seems unable to comprehend that Chasuble might have feelings for her. I'm not surprised, also because Chasuble is so completely unable to express himself, fool that he is. Therapists are always the ones in greatest need of therapy, isn't it?

But still. She could be more obvious, inviting Chasuble to believe in the possibilities. And she never shies away from telling me and Jack off for landlady-related things, and she has a brilliant grasp on whatever any of her tenants are up to.

You wouldn't normally cross Prism, even though she's perfectly lovely when you're friendly and polite to her. I have tea with her for a reason.

So why can't she make a move on Chasuble, and why can't Chasuble recognise in other people what they feel about him, when he's been trained to do exactly that with regard to feelings and presumptions toward other things and people?

Something needs to happen here, and I'm going to make it happen.

They deserve to be happy and one way to do that is through fulfilling desires. If they want each other - they're single, independent, clever people. This can only work out well.

Tuesday, 20 January 2015

Drama drama

I do not understand Gwen's Mum's aversion to her dating Jack - Jack is perfectly lovely, after all.

And I do not understand why she is so hostile to me.

Does she not know what my Father does? (well then, neither do I)

Does she not know that I stand to inherit? (well, at some point or other)

How could she be opposed to me and Algernon? He is only her nephew, what say has she in whom he fancies?

Poor Jack.

Poor Al.

Poor Gwen.

I mean, it's not like I intend to marry him, or anything - not now, in any case. I won't marry anyone until I'm at least thirty-five, and have misspent all my youth doing things one should do whilst young, like spending money one can't afford, and visiting places that give one all sorts of nasty infections, like Hepatitis and Malaria and Rubella, and eating indigestible foods.

I just intend of having a wonderfully lovely affair with Al, as long as it lasts.

That reminds me, perhaps it is time to break it off with him again, just for a bit, to keep the drama fresh. I could tell him his Aunt scares me - she does - but that seems too significant a reason.

One mustn't be averse to others, unless they are perfectly hideous. But I am not, so there is that.

Now, Prism and Chasuble - there's a relationship that needs to happen first before it can be broken off. There's a good hobby to take my mind off things.

Tuesday, 13 January 2015

Gwen's Mum

Cecily Cardew.

I am Cecily Cardew, and I am a friend of your daughter's, a friend - the housemate, actually - of your daughter's boyfriend, and the girlfriend of your - cousin? Nephew? Whatever Al actually meant by 'aunt'.

I am Cecily Cardew, I am 22 years of age and have finished my Bachelor of Arts in Art History over the summer. I speak French and am a rather good artist. I spend my day to day life reading literature and political philosophy, but I am not keen on geography. I am still taking German lessons, despite my feeling any sort of interest for the language, although I would love to be able to read Grimm in the original.

Ah, dommage, l'esprit d'escalier, toutes les reponses et aucun des possibilites pour repondre. 

Gwen's Mum, the terrifying Augusta Bracknell, has found her way to our house. This in itself would not have been cause for concern, were it not that she seems to have rather some issues with Gwen and how she wants to live her life.

No wonder Gwen has issues.

Gwen caught her on video, so Dr Chasuble can presumably take the footage and run with it, do a whole sort of Freudian analysis on why Gwen's issues are all the fault of her Mum's tyrannical ways.

The woman reminds me of a dragon, swooping in, scorching the lands with her vicious breath, destroying or attempting to destroy everything in sight.

Even her name suggests the utmost pompousness. 'Augusta'. The great, the glorious, the august.

Augusta the Great? I doubt it. More like Augusta the Terrible.

But now I am being terribly unfair and horribly impolite. I hardly know the woman, going off Gwen's anecdotes and a one-time impression. Perhaps she is normally very lovely.

I doubt it, however.

But we will see Gwen through this, for I owe it her.

Friday, 9 January 2015

New Year's Resolutions

Everyone's supposed to have new year's resolutions, so I suppose I'll have some too.

In any case, I've had plenty of time to think since the new year started, and I think I know now what I want out of 2015.

  1. More drawing. I liked it, and it's a lovely way to pass the time. L'art pour l'art, and all that. 
  2. An occupation. Whether volunteering, or a job, or anything. I must do something.
  3. Al.
    In all his forms, he is what I want out of 2015. 

These are my only resolutions. I have none about self-improvement - because you can't improve what's already perfect.

I'm not saying I'm perfect as a person, but I'm perfect to me, and to Al.

And Al is perfect to me.

So that's all right then.

Also Gwen's Mum terrifies me.

Friday, 2 January 2015


Bonsoir cheries!

I'm so terribly sorry for not having written any entries for a while, but you know how it is with the holidays, the one moment you're waiting for Christmas to roll by, the next it's January and you're starting to panic about the apparent loss of two weeks.

I've had a fabulous Christmas, in case you were wondering.

We have a good family tradition of spending the holidays at my grandfather's, and my Mum takes care of dinner.

We had goose this year, very Dickensian.

And of course some snow, although very very little despite it being relatively up north, and only slightly after Christmas proper had ended.

I spent the entire day in a food-and-drink coma.

And the next.

Lovely Al came up for Boxing Day, so he could meet the family properly, so we had Christmas dinner two days in a row.

I am not unhappy.

He seemed to get along well with grandfather, although my parents seem to have to take some time to warm to him.

But they will, I'm certain of it.

He stayed until New Year's, and we spent our days eating a ridiculous amount of leftovers (Mum over prepares, we both love Christmas so much) and drinking a ridiculous amount of wine and bubbly and whatever else was in my grandfather's liquor cabinet (that reminds me, next time I go up to Scotland I'm obliged to bring back a bottle of single malt). So that was lovely.

And we went for walks on Ilkley moor, which I'm quite fond of because the view of Ilkley is so beautiful and the moor seems so endless, and I wanted to see whether the stream had frozen over.

I nearly froze my fingers off, I'm sure of it, but Al was very good at warming me right back up.

But now we're back in the south, and things seems to be getting a bit complicated right now. Prism and Chasuble are starting to annoy me a little - they are too proper and too shy to actually do something about the feelings which I'm perfectly certain they have for each other. I mean, Prism seems keen enough but I'm not entirely certain whether she'd be capable of properly telling Chasuble, and Chasuble seems too dense to pick up on anything unless he is explicitly told.

Some therapist, huh.

So we're back, and all is well.

For now.

I hope.