Tuesday, 29 July 2014

Jack... [part deux]

I honestly haven't the faintest what's going on with Jack.


As I said, he keeps going up to London, staying for days and days – I'm not even sure where he's staying, but that's his business I suppose – only returning occasionally to pick up things or drop stuff off, and whenever he returns he just mopes, sitting around watching bad telly (like bad bad telly), eating bad things, moaning at my lack of cleaning the flat (I've got better things to be doing. Like applying for jobs. Yes. I'm applying for jobs now. Sssssh – don't tell my Dad).

Truth be told, he's acting like a bit of a twat, and I don't like it one bit.

Either stay away or cheer up, Jack, because I'm not liking it like this.

He's also upset that I wrote a few weeks ago that he's in a foul mood because he thinks it makes him come across like a bit of a twit. But I just mean he seems a bit out of sorts. And I'm worried.
Even Prism, our landlady – I don't think I mentioned her before, did I? - is getting fed up with Jack not being here. But then she's a bit weird anyway (fingers crossed she doesn't read stupid blogs). I do hope he's all right.

So yes, I'm applying for jobs again. I've spotted some openings at museums, which may be a nice start.

Mum keeps saying I should consider doing a postgraduate degree, but I don't want to yet. And what in? I'm not particularly keen on doing a Master's in Art History, no matter how much I enjoyed my BA.

It'd be another year in uni, and I don't think I can quite bear that right now.

I've been invited by an old college friend to go up to Cambridge soon for a bit of punting. I may take her up on that offer. I'm just getting really really bored sitting around here doing nothing. There's only so much you can do when you've got all the time in the world, and after a while it just gets boring.

I'm even caught up on all the television series I've been told to watch, which is saying something.

Sigh. Oh well.

Tuesday, 15 July 2014


So, as I wrote a while ago, I was considering taking up a new hobby, like drawing. Well, drawing is not per se a new hobby for me; I drew quite a bit before I started uni, and obviously I did some drawing during my degree if only to help myself study.

But I haven't drawn anything seriously for a while now, so I figured I'd try it again.

And since the flowers nearby where in bloom, I drew some flowers.

In other news, Jack continues to be sulky. Jack's upset that I wrote that he's in a foul mood because he thinks it makes him come across like a bit of a twit. But I just meant that he seems to be a bit out of sorts, and I'm worried.

And Ernest continues to ignore my facebook requests. I'll just assume he isn't online often enough. Too busy being mischievous or something.

Prism, my landlady, invited me over for tea. I suppose I'd best go over. Don't really want to, but there we are. Politeness and all.

Tuesday, 8 July 2014

Once Upon A Time...

...there was a sweet little princess, the most beautiful and clever princess in the entire world, and her name was Cecily. Cecily was a courageous princess too, always going off on adventures, slaying Jabberwocks and then gallumphing home, snicker-snack.

Little Cecily, however, lived in a faraway kingdom, ruled by King Jack, who was always away on Foreign Affairs missions with kingdoms abroad, and she had to spend all her time learning useless things like German and writing CVs and still being rejected for jobs and all that.
One day, such a beautiful July day, little Cecily went off for another little adventure, walking through the enchanted woods of King Jack's beautiful kingdom.

She came here often, to listen to the water and the birds, and to look at the flowers and draw them, and to get away from the people in the castle who were always talking of tedious things like bills and laundry.

But on this beautiful July afternoon, when little Cecily was walking through King Jack's enchanted woods, she heard a twig crack in the distance.
This startled her, for little Cecily was usually alone in the woods, and she looked about the find the source of the cracked twig but found none.

Little Cecily shrugged and walked on.

Suddenly, a band of rough-looking, evil-smelling, foul-mouted highway men circled her, demanding all the money and valuables she had on her, threatening to kill her if she didn't hand it over.

Little princess Cecily smiled at them, then offered her empty hands.

“I haven't anything!,” she said, and the robbers laughed at her.

“Such a girl, in such a dress – don't hold back, dearie, we know you've got dosh!”

Cecily looked at them, angry. “I haven't any, I tell you! Let me go! Go away!”

Two of the robbers stepped in, holding her arms, while the third, the leader, the ugliest, foulest, stinkiest of them all, looked at her and grinned a very filthy, grimy, evil grin.

In the distance, more twigs cracked heavily. Cecily looked up in hope, while the robbers looked startled.

“The law,” one of the captors whispered, while the leader shrugged.

“Your money or your life, girl.”

Cecily spat in his face.

A whinnying sounded through the woods, and from the trees emerged a gleaming white horse, carrying on his back none other but prince Ernest, of a neighbouring kingdom, sword drawn, catching the summer sun and reflecting it onto the highway men.

“Away with you!,” he bellowed at the robbers, who quickly scattered. Cecily sank on her knees, relieved.

Prince Ernest came off his horse, sitting next to Cecily.

“Oh, my little Cecily, I love you,” he said.

Cecily smiled. “I know, Ernest.”

And they lived happily ever after.

The End.

Tuesday, 1 July 2014

Jack and Ernest

After a short stint in Harrogate, I'm back in Hertfordshire, to resume my doing nothing. Which is seriously becoming a bit annoying now. I need to find some activity. I need to take up a hobby.

I know.

I should pick up drawing again. Haven't done that in ages. I think picking up Art was also something the Grand Tour people did, so that would be nice and historically accurate. Or so.

It'd be better than trying to get Ernest to add me on Facebook, because no matter how much I try, he just doesn't seem to want to. Which annoys me to no end, because I always add just about everyone with whom I have friends in common and I live with his brother, for goodness sake. I've added friends' siblings after only meeting them once, and they've added me. Sure, I haven't met Ernest yet, but surely that can't be too much of an obstacle. Besides, if he's truly as mischievous (I love that word) as Jack makes him out to be, then he can't be too picky about adding people – can he?

Even the photos on his page are completely uninformative, being impersonal things like sunsets and whatnot.

Oh well. I shall meet him, one day.

Jack's been acting absolutely annoyingly lately. He's always off to the city – fine by me, house to myself – but whenever he returns he's in the foulest of moods. I like Jack, he's my friend, and I hate to see him look like that, but he also refuses to tell me what's what and that just annoys me. I'm not a naturally curious person with regards to people – I'm not a gossip, no matter what people say about me – but if he keeps staying away like that, something he clearly doesn't enjoy, I'm going to ask questions because I'm worried.

I wonder whether it has anything to do with Ernest being sort of incommunicado?

I hope nothing serious happened!