Jack, being the serious office type person that he is, always carried around this stupid little box of business cards. I never see much use in those cards, surely there is much more to be gained from the personal touch of writing your name and details on a scrap of paper with a flourish. Ernest always writes to me by hand. But Jack insists that business cards are more professional.
So I had a silver business card container engraved by the jeweller, so it says that it’s a gift from me to him.
Surely that’s better than that ratty old thing he used to have.
I gave it to him just earlier today – he’s left for the city to celebrate his birthday there over the weekend just now, though his birthday isn’t until tomorrow. I hope he doesn’t lose it.
I am still really a bit cross with Jack for not celebrating his birthday here and having Ernest over, but instead I invited Ernest over for the night – he could always go back to the city later for Jack’s birthday celebrations – for wine and film.
I’m staying here over the weekend because it’s almost Easter break and I’ve got essays to write. Pity, really, I love birthday parties.